Mediterranean Beef with Hummus

Meditterranean Beef with Hummus

ingredients: beef, e.g., lean ground, top sirloin (shown here), or top round sliced against grain (if possible), hummus, slivered almonds, garlic, oregano, paprika, tomatoes [, green and kalamata olives, onion, pepper.] sauce: goat’s milk or greek style yogurt, cucumber, dill, minced garlic [, vinegar]. directions: prepare yogurt sauce a day in advance if possible (quartered and sliced cucumber, peeled if you wish). sauté beef with garlic, spicy or smoked paprika, black pepper, hot sauce, e.g., Cholula [, add sliced green olives, serano peppers]; serve over warm hummus, top with toasted slivered almonds, garnish with tomatoes and/or kalamata olives, yogurt sauce and warm pita bread on the side; enjoy.

(This is also great made with lamb; that’s the dish that inspired it from a local restaurant.)

Sweet Potato Pad Thai

Sweet Potato Pad Thai

ingredients: sweet potato (in sticks), onion, garlic, sugar snap peas, mushrooms, rice noodles, salt & pepper; sauce: chicken stock, brown sugar, soy sauce, sesame oil, five spice powder, a dash of cayenne powder. red pepper flakes and lime to taste.
directions: don’t measure anything; cook everything just the right amount in the right order; add sauce, reduce; enjoy.